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City Rishikuls

We would ideally like to give all children large open spaces and pleasant surroundings. This requires schools to be on the outskirts of the mainstream developed areas. However, not all parents or children choose to move out of the urban locale. For them, we do the best we can, given the time and space constraints of urban life. Having said this, our city Rishikuls are nevertheless extremely unique and remarkable institutions, on the whole, oriented to uncover the greatness in your child and his innate life potential and leadership potential.

The unique and much-sought-after MET’s RishikulVidyalaya at Bandra was originally co-founded by us and MET though presently it is MET alone that runs this orgnisation. One other example of our city Rishikuls is the unique Gujarati Rishikul being run at Ghatkopar in Mumbai.


Every child is a "Gift of God" and they are an essence of divinity.
To explore and maintain this divinity is the purpose of the school. -Guruji
