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Prison rehabilitation

Regular programmes to understand oneself lead to quiet enchantment in the protected life in a prison. Suddenly, the 'prisoners' experience is shifted from one of bondage to that of freedom.

Prisons become places of sadhana for improving body, mind, intellect and spirit. Rehabilitation Work in Prisons and Centres for Juvenile Delinquents.

Typically, the idea behind prisons and centres being set up for juvenile delinquents is to punish the wrong-doer so that an example is created for him and for the society in order that they are dissuaded from committing further crimes. This is a perfectly valid reason. However, the one aspect that remains un-addressed here is that the culprit should be transformed and not just punished. He should undergo a change of heart. This will lower the crime rate much more effectively.

 With SSY and the allied programmes, prisons become places of sadhana for improving body, mind, intellect and spirit. Such self-improvement exercises help a prisoner to bring about a change in his attitudes and morals. He also feels more self-satisfied and full within. Thereafter, he finds no reason to experience negative feelings like resentment, vengeance etc. that push him into crime.

 Regular programmes to understand oneself lead the prisoners to experience peace and tranquility in the protected life in a prison. Suddenly, the 'prisoners’ experience is shifted from one of bondage to that of freedom. This then becomes the true 'rehab' work. Inner transformation alone can rehabilitate prisoners and juvenile criminals. And that is precisely what we help bring about.